The Bratislava Boys’ Choir is preparing a new music-filled season.

Concert Tour to the United States and The Story of Music in the Slovak National Theater

On September 10 the Bratislava Boys’ Choir fans can look forward to Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana – led by Ondrej Lenárd, Slovakia’s legendary conductor – in collaboration with the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Slovak Philharmonic Choir. The boys will perform alongside Andrea Vizvári, Aleš Jenis and Daniel Matoušek. It will be an open-air event broadcast live on Radio Devin and later by national television, RTVS.

Through our successful music education project, the The Story of Music, we are preparing two premieres in Bratislava on September 26. Young viewers and entire families can hear us perform in Bratislava, Veľké Orvište, Trnava, Pezinok and in Žilina. The Story of Music On Tour will include a guest performance by Pavol Remenár from the Slovak National Theater Opera.

“It’s wonderful that our project, The Story of Music, caught the interest of the Slovak National Theater. It will bring this largest music education project in our nation to the Slovak National Theater audience after performing with the Slovak Philharmonic Košice, State Chamber Orchestra Žilina, and the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra. The theme of The Story of Music 4 will be the mystery of the human voice,” says Gabriel Rovňák Jr. The Story of Music will premiere at the Slovak National Theater Opera on June 29, 2022.

In the 2022 season our long-term cooperation with the Slovak National Theater continues through appearances in numerous operas. In September we will perform in Tosca with Andrea Danková, Jolana Fogašová, Peter Berger and Bratislava Boys‘ Choir alumnus Michal Lehotský. In this upcoming season our singers will also perform in Turandot and Pagliacci. We uniquely collaborate with the Slovak National Theater Ballet in The Nutcracker by P. I. Tchaikovsky. The boys are going to perform with gifted conductors Rastislav Štúr, Martin Leginus and Dušan Štefánek. Slovak National Theater audience can see us perform Christmas in Bratislava, alongside Lenka Máčiková, Peter Kellner, Peter Berger and Denisa Hamarová. Even before Christmas our ensemble is scheduled to tour to France and Switzerland and perform a Christmas program in Strasburg and in Bern.

“The Bratislava Boys’ Choir was founded in 1982 as a Philharmonic ensemble. Currently, it works as an arts school but our special collaboration with the Slovak Philharmonic continues. We take pride in our partnership with this world-class institution look forward to continued collaboration with conductors Rastislav Štúr and Oliver Dohnányi,” says Magdaléna Rovňáková, the choir’s conductor.

Presenting the New Season 2021/2022

In the 2021/22 season viewers can see our boys perform Christmas concerts with the soloist Michaela Šebestová as well as in the performance of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana, where the boys will appear alongside Aleš Jenis, Mariana Sajko and Ondrej Koplík.

The second half of the concert season will focus on our concert trip to the United States where the choir will tour from Washington, D.C. to New York.

Bratislava Boys’ Choir Patron Program – SING! – is Slovakia’s first music patrons membership club. Members can forge a personal relationship with the choir and enjoy unique experiences including backstage access and exclusive concerts.

The 2021/22 season will feature new publicity photographs from Vladimír Škuta, the photographer.

The ensemble’s 2021/22 concert season is led by its founder Mgr. Art. Magdaléna Rovňáková, ArtD., the conductor is MgA. Gabriel Rovňák Jr., Ph.D. The accompanist and pianist is Mgr. Art. Dana Hajóssy, Ph.D. and Mgr. Art. Martin Hríň. Voice coaches are Mgr. Art. Miriam Garajová and Monika Maglayová.

The ensemble would like to thank its 2021 partners for support in its activities: Fund for the Support of the Arts, VÚB Foundation, buckle up, UPC BROADBAND SLOVAKIA, Eurovea, JCDecaux, Vlado Škuta Photography and media partners Music Life, Opera Slovakia,

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